Tag Archives: NFS

Creating NFS Share on Synology NAS

I wanted to add a few NFS shares to my VMware lab in order to access my ISO’s of my software.

1From the control panel create or select a new shared folder

3 Give it a proper name, description and select which volume it will reside.

4Give any users you wish to access the shared folder the proper permissions.

5Next, you will need to add your hosts permissions.

6Provide the IP or FQDN of your host


8Go to your NFS share, right click and select properties. Copy the location information.

9Log onto your host directly, or select it from vCenter. Select the configuration tab, and then storage.

10Select Add Storage. Select Network File System.

11Provide the IP or FDQN of your Synology. Paste in the folder information. Provide the Datastore name.

12 You will now see your NFS share presented to your host.